Tuesday 9 June 2015

To write is a great way to scream.

Have you ever thought about why people write? If you have wondered about that, you should read the new article in the Opinion Section. Then, you could know why people who write need it like if it was something to keep living, like a medicine.

So, if you read it you could find a reason to write, how you can do it, a way to be better with yourself telling the world about your toughts. And even if you don't believe it, it could helps you a lot.

Maths Olympics

Al- Khwarizmi Society organizes the Maths Olympics for students who are in the third cycle of Primary Education and in Secondary Education, so that they enjoy solving math problems. This year the Maths Olympics took place on 18th April in Valencia. Then the students who were in the selection of 144 people passed into the second stage. (There is an interview with Marcos, a boy who managed to get into the second stage). Continue reading in our CMI News Section.

Why should I choose Practical English next year?

Practical English is a free-choice subject that you can choose in 4th of ESO. The teacher who teaches the subject is Paco Abela and in this essay you can find 4 reasons why you should choose Practical English next year. Check them in our CMI News Section.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Our Last Year

It's only one week left to leave school and I don't want to. Here, in school I have lived a lot of moments that I will never forget. 

I want you to know how I have felt, although I don't think you could understand it the same way I do. This school has become a family, and I don't think any other school could get it. It is difficult to say, because everything is in here, every moment, every laugh, every tear, everything. 
I am sure you'd like to read more, so visit our Opinion section.

If you're not yourself then, who are you?

It seems that in this world to be yourself could be a little bit difficult. Life is full of styles and unless you are like everybody else, you are nothing. But, Do you know what? I prefer to mean nothing for the rest of the world and keep being myself.
There are always going to be difficulties in your life, it is not easy, no one ever said it was. But you can't let these challenges hurt yourself and not let you be what you long to be. Just be happy and show your smile to the world.

Let's take a look at this interview in wich our Past Time girl talk about that: