Monday, 22 April 2019

International Women's Day

The first International Women's Day celebration was held on the 19th of March in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland because of the fight for equality between men and women. 
8th March was institutionalized in 1975 by the United Nations.
It has been a very important issue during the 20th century to bring to light the existing differences between both sexes such as salary, male power in the marriage, etc. There have been a lot of strikes and we have achieved prominent changes in politics and laws: in the 80s, the law in which women were free to choose to break away the marriage was approved and not a long time ago, women were free to open an account in the bank.
Nowadays, feminism is a basic concept, but there are a lot of countries where women are killed for not obeying their husbands, where only boys have the right of education while girls take care of the children and the house... In these countries, women are not allowed to claim for their rights and show their opinion.
I think we have to take action in order to change this injustice because women's rights are also men's rights, I mean, we are all humans and Human Rights are Human Rights in every situation, in every country and with every sex.
By Carmen A.

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