Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Mexico, land of colours

I have always wanted to visit Mexico because it is one of the most popular destinations in the world and it looks attractive to me.

Mexico is in Centre America and it is best known for its green landscapes and its magnificient ancient cultures. Colours, clothes and food are also amazing. That is why a lot of tourists can´t help visiting Mexico. Actually, millions of them visit the country every year. People of all ages can have a great time there. It has got beautiful beaches, with clear blue waters that reflect the spectacular places that you can find by the seashore. Mexico City, its capital, is also astonishing. It has got a lot of inhabitants, the people are very friendly there. They have lots of customs and they live them deeply. Take the Day of the Dead for example. It is celebrated on November 2nd or All Souls Day. 
This celebration is so special for this culture that they celebrate it with dances, songs or with art. They even spend a whole night next to their relatives' tombs or graves in the cemetery and have dinner with them.
I know Mexico is quite a bit far away and that it must not be very cheap to get a flight to go there but, still I hope I can visit the country one day, together with my sister and my whole family. That is one of my dreams.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

A letter to a friend.

"You must be strong and carry on".

Resultado de imagen de love hug tumblrSometimes it is hard when you know that people you love so much is going through some hard moments. I believe that to be one of the most difficult issues in life because you feel you can't do anything to fix them. Anyway, I wanted to do something, I knew I had to, so I found this way: writing and expressing my sympathy, When everything seems to fall down, reading words of sympahy and love makes you feel relieved for a minute, it is a bit of a puff of fresh air that makes you strive and go ahead, it is kind of a light beam in your darkest moments. Sooner or later, you will probably be one of those people, actually you may be one of them right now and that is why I kept on writing...
Read more in the Opinion Section.


Tuesday, 27 September 2016

My Experience, my new school

 Sometimes I think I am in my old school, but when I look at my new classmates, it´s different. The first day is so strange, you are the new one, and you must make some friends, or you may be alone for the rest of the year.
The first image, is quite different, but you must react, you must interact, ask some people, and make some new friends, open your heart wide open and trust the new people around you. That does not mean you must forget your former mates and teachers. I think it's important to keep in contact with them, at least with the few ones you once felt comfortable with. Reality, however, is very clear... it's not easy to become the new one but. ... who tells you there are not more of us, new boys and girls, around?
On the other hand, I must say my new teachers are very friendly, and I feel very comfortable in their lessons. All books are very similar to 4 of E.S.O, but when I opened my Math´s book, I got very scared, eventually it was not that horrible. And then it is Philosophy, it´s quite a bit strange but I like it, and it´s the same in ICT.
My favorite class is Biology, most of my personal questions are about the human race, it is something that calls my attention very much and I like that.
Finally, it is  Chemistry, deep in my mind I am very worried, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nytrogen, Ammonia NH3..... and everything that surrounds us, I am having my first exam very soon but it seems to me I can´t reach everything and I'm afraid my final mark will depend on Ternary Compounds, but it´s all right, I just need to work hard and revise my notes from last year. 

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Edinburgh Dream

Well, after a long long time, here I am again! I was asked to talk about my experience out of my country, in Edinburgh (Scotland); so I said yes, but, at first I did not know what to write. I have been there for two months, so I did not feel like writing something like a diary. Then I realised that when you travel you often change your lifestyle somehow, so this is what you all are about to read in a moment.... just if you happen to visit our great page Around the World. See you!!!

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Here we are again! I cannot wait to watch that wonderful spectacle which is such a celestial firework display known as the Perseid meteor shower.
A meteor takes place when a tiny piece of rock, no bigger in size than a grain of sand, crashes into the Earth’s upper atmosphere at a very high speed. The friction causes the meteor to burn up creating a brief streak of light across the sky. Hundreds of meteors strike the Earth every single day, but, fortunately, they are not big enough to reach the ground. If the space rock is big enough to survive its journey through the atmosphere and make it to the ground, then it is known as a meteorite, which can be really dangerous depending on its size and the place where it hits the planet’s surface.
At certain times of the year, as the Earth orbits the Sun, it passes through the debris left by the tail of a comet. The comet may have passed many years before but those debris will remain in space across our path. When the Earth passes through the trail we see an increased rate of meteors or a meteor shower. The meteors will appear to radiate from a particular constellation and therefore it is named after that constellation.
The most prolific of all the meteor showers occurs from about 4th until 15th August when the Earth goes through the debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. As the meteors appear to stem from the constellation of Perseus, then the shower is known as the Perseids. Up to 80 meteors per hour can be usually seen during the peak period on 11th – 12th, but this year astronomers are predicting over 200 meteors per hour because our planet is expected to pass through a high density region of debris.
You do not need any special equipment to watch the shower, just find a dark area away from any light pollution, make yourself comfortable, and look up into the sky, mainly towards the Northeast horizon, although you can see meteors anywhere in the sky. After midnight on 11th August is expected to be the best time to admire such a beautiful scene. The darker the sky and your viewing area, the more meteors you will be able to see…
…and if you do see a shooting star, be sure to make a wish… it is said they always come true.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Inside EuroCup 2016

The Eurocup is an international championship where the best European national teams compete to see who the best is. When the tournament started in 1960, it was called the European Nations Cup but as times went by, the name changed into EuroCup. This football event is celebrated every 4 years in different countries in Europe, in this case, it took place in a number of cities in France. During the tournament, 51 matches were played, starting with a group stage and ending with the big final. Although Spain was one of the favourites to win the championship, the national team couldn’t beat Italy in the round of 16, a huge shame as it will be remembered as the end of one of the best eras in football history. However, it wasn’t all about football in France… 
If you are interested in reading the whole article written by our Sports Editor, go to our Sports Page.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Truth about Teachers & Students

Another school year goes by. Time to think in depth about it, no hurries now, just a stream of  feelings that need to be sorted out... Some of them were hidden or postponed because of the whirl of events during the year, some others are on the surface, still running high.
Some people claim we, teachers, are kind of privileged species, they think we work as if we were just part of an assembly line, not worrying about the product, not a hint of awareness, no further acquaintance... and then even fuss over the extent or length of our holidays. I must say they are right...we are a privileged kind but let me quite disagree about the reasons.
We are lucky to meet a lot of different kids in our lives, smile and laugh together with them, watch them grow up and turn into teenagers, witness their achievements and their disappointments, take a share of their worries and enjoy their success.
The kids themselves make us get involved in their own upbringing, we have no choice, it is a challenge that cannot be missed, a silent pledge of allegiance that cannot be broken. Our duty and vocation is to do our best on their benefit (which is also ours), even when we look or sound too demanding at first or at the moment we make a decision or assess their learning processes. We are so fortunate to teach them because at the same time we are also taught, we also learn from every step forward together and that makes us feel younger inside and keep a young mind forever regardless of our outer look.
Nevertheless, it is not always that easy. We are happy to welcome a new group every other year, new kids, new joy, but nobody told me we were supposed to be ready to watch them go. No doubt these are the hardest times. You sadly realise you will hardly see most of them again except for the occasional meetings or venues where former students gather. It is true that some of them, those who were able to get the gist of our work over the years while they were still at school, will try to stay in touch and keep an emotional link, a link which in the most cases seem to be meant to vanish in space and time. In spite of this fact.. we will always remember those days when they got ill or a broken leg, when they had a superb mark in a test, when they felt down in the dumps because of any failed friendship, when they had fun in our lessons, when they enjoyed a school trip and felt on the top of the world on their graduation day, we will not forget those times when they entrusted us with their rich and varied concerns, and just this is enough to make us feel good again and go on with our lives at school and a smile on our face.
Well I think enough reasons have just been presented here to say that we, teachers, are privileged people indeed so we must celebrate it. That is what we do from time to time and very especially at the end of a school-year, as you can see in the picture. Fortunately, we have reached another end of year alive, which, by the way, could not have been possible without the support of quite a few sensitive parents and the restless and fruitful cooperation among teachers ourselves. But, above all, thanks to our students.....

Saturday, 2 July 2016

New Technologies, New Addictions...

Nowadays people can't accept a world without telephone. This is just the effect of technological development, in a short time they (technologies) have become kind of a friend to everyone. Now, we are all in front of our smartphone having fun through social networks or just playing video games, a few years before it was absolutely different. May we return to those days?
To know about the pros and cons, read our new article written by our Managing Editor in our Opinion section. Then you can write a comment in this post about this issue.

Friday, 1 July 2016

CMI Graduation of G'00

This is my last post as a CMI student, and I dedicate this post to our graduation class. This day was celebrated last Thursday, it was so exciting and unforgetable. We cried a lot, because it was the last ceremony in our school and now we are going another way, we are saying GOODBYE, however this is not our last word.
The main part of the ceremony was held in the church, and after that we went to school, and this was the special moment, we walked up the stairs with our teachers and, they put the graduation band over our shoulders. Read more about it in CMI News.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Go Ireland!

What a great evening for the Irish National Team! Ireland are into the last 16 of the European Football Championships.
Ireland played a fantastic game last Wednesday, they got to beat Italy, one of the favourite teams to win the championship. The Irish Team performance was so high and intense that Italy could do nothing but to accept their eventual defeat at the Irish brave attitude. You only had to look at any Irish player's T-shirt, covered with mud, to realise there had been a ferocious battle on the field that reminded us of that another battle brilliantly pictured by Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
Next coming challenge is France, nothing proves to be impossible for this amazing Irish group of players. Go Ireland!
If you are interested in reading for further details, go to our SPORTS page.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

12 ways to say `I Love You´

Love is the weirdest feeling, because it is kind of abstract art...
 ... so difficult to say I Like You or I Love You. 
... as if this feeling had two different faces,... 
Then, it is up to you to decide...

The quotes above are some pearls you will find in this article. Our reporter and present CMI News Editor tries within this post to dive deep into emotions and holds there are infinite ways to express them. Get into our Opinion page.
We are really looking forward to reading an extended second article, Geo!

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Unequal world is not an equal world.

It is well known in the world that sexism is still a big problem in our society. You may be wondering how this is possible in our times. Well, unfortunately, there are some people who think like that, people like the Turkish president whose words have proved an outdated way of thinking. Sexism is a dangerous enemy in hundreds of thousands of women's lives, this is the reason why all of us have to fight, because we need to feel confident that we will succeed in pushing through equal opportunities, to be equal in dignity and rights, to have an equal world.

To know more about this fight, read the whole article in our Opinion Page.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Playing with our future

Two of the main pillars of our society are education and health, and just in them investment is not increasing. This means the State is not betting on their future.
However, we are suffering the waste that a second election means. If they are not even able to agree on reducing the expense on ballots, how will they manage to make more important decisions?
I am 16, but this does not prevent me from understanding this situation, which all that produces in all of us is disappointment and lack of motivation. What sense will our effort make when, further on, nobody pays attention to our concerns for being the age we are?
We are trapped at a point in which we are forced to make decisions about our future, that means that they consider us mature enough, but on the other hand, we are not considered to be mature enough to give our opinion about who we should be governed by. (article published in El Mundo).

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Culture Week at CMI, Come in!

Tomorrow we are starting our culture week!!!
Every year CMI celebrates a culture week, which is a special celebration or event for us all. This event was born over ten years ago.
The culture week is going to be held in June this year sharing part of its calendar with the Science Exhibition at school. During the next week students will participate in a lot of competitions, such as; drawing posters for school, writing stories, and the kids in primary have created short comics or even recorded short films and interviews.
Last year, the topic was Light because 2015 was the Year of Light. I really liked that topic, but this year the main topic is the World of Cervantes and the other character is Shakespeare.
In addition, ESO students have done their best to sing their favourite songs, because next Tuesday afternoon a great show will be held: Let's Sing 3 - Sports Edition  where the best songs, which have passed into the Finals, will be tuned and shown in one of the funniest venues you can ever attend. Most teachers also dare to record a song and then students must find out whose song each one is.
Finally, on Friday morning, around midday, lots of awards will be delivered to recognise and acknowledge students´ efforts on different assigments and languages as for example: theatre, short stories, poetry, rap, photography, narrative essay, posters, etc. and, of course, Let's Sing awards, the most expected awards for ESO. They are my favourite because every single student in ESO at CMI sings one song, and after the English and Music teachers have graded them, a special jury must make a decision on finalists and winners in both categories 1/2 ESO and 3/4 ESO.
This is my favorite festival because it seems to me that everybody in school enjoys a great deal, even though I am also very excited and nervous for this year, because we, 4th ESO, organize the DIVERJOCS, which is another core  activity at CMI Culture Week, I think this is a wonderful traditional celebration at CMI that most students will never forget.
For further details on activity schedule enter our CMI News page.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016


If I could turn back to the past, I think I would go to the moment when I broke my right ankle. Somehow I guess that everything that has happened to me is because of destiny, but, actually, I am a bit confused about what to think or believe. If I could change the circumstances that took me to get a broken ankle, what would my future be like now? I can hardly know. Now I have already accepted that my ankle was broken and now I do not have any need to go back in time. So... What a question is that about changing your past!, 
If you do think you would change anything if you could travel back in time, tell me what it is or write a comment to ask for a piece of advice. Who knows? You may get an unexpected answer or solution to your biggest worries.
Read more in our Opinion Page ... we may make you think about the issue.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Spanish Political Mess

Last 20th December 2015, Spain celebrated the first political election with Felipe VI as king of the country. Everyone was so interested in the results as the country has suffered one of the worst recessions in its history. The government was led by Partido Popular, with its president, Mariano Rajoy, the current president of the country.

But he was sure those elections were going to be so hard to get as the population has a bad opinion on its political party, complaining about all the money they stole, all the pain they produced over people and more and more things. Other political candidates were:

  • PSOE, the greatest rivals of PP, with its president, Pedro Sánchez.
  • Ciudadanos, with Albert Rivera.
  • Podemos, a new party on Spanish political scene, with Pablo Iglesias.
Everyone knew there was going to be a president but eventually, political parties didn't come to an agreement as the results weren't in favour of any of them. Since then, they have spoken several times about building a new government but reaching no conclusion. Elections will have to be repeated to see who the "owner" of the Spanish goverment is. Everything started as Andy Bordón explained in his post, you can see it pressing this link: POLITICAL SECTION

Sunday, 24 April 2016

CMI-ESO Students Ready for School-Trip

ESO Students at CMI can't wait for the coming trip. Cuenca and some small villages around are going to be their destination. Students together with their teachers will travel around the area having fun and enjoying a lot of different activities in a wide range of fields, scientific, sport, adventure, culinary, artistic or cultural. Nobody is expected to get disappointed with such an interesting offer.
You must not miss our CMI News page, where you will find every detail about the trip, including some very helpful tips and general advice for the trip. We will keep you up to date.

Friday, 15 April 2016

2016 Maths Olympics Ready to Go

Maths Society of Education Al- Khwarizmi is organising the Maths Olympics for the current year. Only the best among the best in the Valencian Community are called to participate.
This year, María Inmaculada School has got many students who were very interested in taking part in this activity, but eventually only the best maths students have been chosen.

We have brilliant maths students to participate this year, for example: 4º of ESO has got what we call in Spanish two maths machines, they are Alfonso M. A. and Pablo C. M. and 3º of ESO has got excellent students as well, they are Isabel M. C., Andrea C. G. and Paula G. A (In the end Paula has been called to substitute Pablo, who had his ankle twisted a couple of days ago). Another eight students from Primary and Secondary education complete this incredible Maths Team who will represent us.

This year the Maths Olympics first round in Valencia will be held in Salesianos School at Avda. de la Plata, 10 on April 16th.

The students were selected by Maria Inmaculada´s Science Department taking into account the best grades on Maths up to now throughout the school year. Everybody in the school is happy with the final election because they think these boys and girls are excellent students indeed.
If you are interested in reading more about tha Maths Olympics you can visit our Science Department web page. Anyway, as soon as possible, we will provide you with further details on the event in our CMI News section. To start with, here you are an interview with Alfonso, a brilliant student who has always been very fond of maths.

Q - How did you feel when Paco told you that you were going to participate in 2016 Maths Olympics?

A - I felt very proud of myself and I think that is a good opportunity to show how much I know.

Q - What do you think the tests will be like?

A - Of course they will be difficult. This is not my first time and I can remember how hard they were. 
Q - Do you think you are ready for all types of questions?
A - I will try to do my best, enjoy and, of course, to get the higher mark I can.

Q - Thank you very much Alfonso, and good luck! Everybody at school supports you and the whole team.
A - You are welcome and thank you for your support.

Monday, 11 April 2016

American History X on at CMI

Last March 23rd our students in 3rd and 4th years of ESO could attend and watch the 1998 American terrific film directed by Tony Kaye. I am quite a bit sure it made an impact on most attendants to the show but not due to the violence we, human beings, are able to spread around us, but because of the powerful message that comes crystal clear stright-forward to the viewers' minds: violence is no longer the way. violence brings nothing else but violence. I very much recommend you to go on reading through our freelance partner Elisabeth Mellinas's review on the film in our Culture Page.

Monday, 4 April 2016

The Martian: A Double Review

Have you already seen The Martian? It has become one of my favourite films (and not because I am quite friki or a geek). I love this type of films because they show in an easy way, difficult ideas about technology or how the NASA works... Everybody can understand what is happening, and these films make children ask after new things. You do not need to be a NASA expert to enjoy the film.

I would like to explain you how I felt while I was watching the film, but I do not how to do it. It is just that when I am watching it, I can't stop enjoying every second, and I find very interesting the way they try to survive in Mars, in a very difficult situation, the chemical reactions that they make. To sum up, how they use all their knowledge. I found it difficult, I mean, I find difficult to survive alone in Mars, another planet where no one has lived before and where things are very different: there is no oxygen, no water..., you can't have a shower regularly, and the food is limitated. How can a human survive in these conditions? Well I won't tell you the end of the film, so if you want to know how the film ends, you will have to watch The Martian. This question makes me think about the Universe, about life in another planets, if a human can live alone in Mars, maybe some other creatures are living in other parts of the Universe and we don't know about them yet. 

Although it is a good film, I noticed that not everything was right, there were some 'mistakes' which even made the film more attractive but  eventually a bit less realistic.

How much do you know about Mars? Here is a short test in Spanish about Mars, just try:
by Eve Chancosa

My dear Eve is right about everything she has said, but there is always a clear line that separates our brains, you will see it (not just because of the fact that she is very very intelligent).

I have watched The Martian twice and I have always felt the same way. I love this film not just because of the chemistry, physics and biology (I love the way they taught us how important it is to know everything in science), apart from that, it is so funny and I think that it is what I really love. The main character, Matt Damonn, is in Mars alone, with a 0,0000009℅ (this percentage is not real, for if the flies) of still living, but it is funny. How can such a tragedy be funny? It let me know how strong a person is when fighting to keep alive. I love it, not only because I am a little bit friki (I swear you it is just a little bit), but because of the feelings, the thoughts and because when I watch these kinds of films I want to do it, I want to go into the space, and because I realise how little we are in the universe, that is the reason why I can't think about us being the only ones who are living here.

You may be interested in this funny, but hard, scinetific test in English. Just click on the picture at your left, print it or send us the answers. You may get a small present if you manage to have them all right.

by Andy Bordón

Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Year of Virtual Reality

There is a new invention from Sony Computer Entertainment. This will be a viewfinder for virtual reality. It was designed for PS4 and PSVita. According to Sony this prototype is going to be launched this very year. PlayStation VR is the first real foray into virtual reality, which was shown at Paris Games Week. Any way, VR headsets cannot be used by children under 12 and they will cost around 500 €.
Many people, gamers, have been wating for nice and affordable solutions to get deep in the world of Virtual Reality (VR) which now seem to have come also with Samsung Gear VR. You need your mobile phone together with the headset and kind of goggles to operate it. And they are expected to be much more inexpensive. More detailed info soon in our Sci-Tech Page.

Arts or Science, Is that the Question?

Throughout this new article, one of our editors deals with one of the topics that makes a lot of students lose their sleep over. Which subjects must I choose for my next school year? It is the eternal question about Arts or Science.
Sometimes, people think Arts are easier than Science and they opt for them, but... might they be mistaken? Is it Physics and Chemistry what you are looking for? Is it really Maths and Numbers your Achilles heel? Do you feel much more confident about Literature, Art and History?
Here we wonder if that decision is as important as some people think. That famous quote by Einstein on your right may help you understand a bit further. Read more in our Opinion Page.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Fallas: Time for Fun and Creativity

¡Sketch of Falla 2016!
The start of fallas is right here, new llibret, new monument, new students, new teachers and a new challenge.

“The Llibret”:

New year, new llibret! This year students in Arts are working also hard, really hard, in this new llibret. Lots of sections in there can be found such as Apps on Mobile Technology or Adverts, which have helped to afford a new and beautiful Llibret for the current year.

One of the favourite sections will always be Theatre because every year students of 1st of ESO perform an incredible open-air play, which is fascinating.

To end with, the Letter to Fallera Mayor, this year is going to Carla González from 3rd of Primary and the new President, who is in the same class as Carla's, we have managed to get a special interview to find out about her opinion and reactions. Click into CMI News Section to know more.

Teachers' Victory wounds Students' Pride

Hello out there,
Paul during the basketball match
Here it comes what you've been looking forward to for the last two weeks. A special interview with one member of each team showing us their opinions about the match. It was one of the toughest moments in students' lives and one of the happiest for teachers. Students hope to play the revenge match but teachers are not very confident on a second round. If that match were played, take for granted you would have all the information about it available in this newspaper. Can't wait to see you soon. Visit our Sports page.
Sylvia, on the left side, with other players for teachers

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Fallas coming soon!

The start of fallas is four weeks ahead, and this year is special because this year Generation 2000 will build an amazing monument at Maria Inmaculada School. The topic of this year is Olympic Games and Nutrition. 

Yes this may not seem a good matter but I like it, and in addition the Technology crew are working really hard.

According to the dictionary, Fallas is a synonym of fire in combination with wood and cardboard. Fallas is the most important celebration in Valencia, this celebration deals with well known characters from the current political and social scene, such as athletes, politicians, celebreties, etc. 

This celebration which was created in 1870, has played an important role at CMI so far and it is bound to go on for many years.
Soon an extended article will be published with further details in our CMI News section.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Undeserved teachers' victory against students

Last 4th December, a match between teachers and students of Mª Inmaculada school, took place there. Firstly, there was a basketball match where the teachers crushed students with powerful and very tall people. This match was played by almost all the girls of 4º ESO, and boys played football.

A picture after the match
Students were very confident on this match, but at the moment of truth, they were a little bit off side. At the beginning of the match, students played so well, especially one tall guy named Alfonso. He scored a hat-trick in less than 6 minutes, so thanks to his contribution, students were wining when the break arrived. In the second time, students played much better than teachers but some mistakes sentenced the team, as teachers took advantage of their opportunities and they scored some goals to beat students.

Students were very disappointed with the result but if they had been more concentrated than they were, then they would have beaten them easily, as they are one of the best teams in the world. Students are waiting for another chance to recover their honour, but I think, they will have to wait for a long time. You will have more information with all the funny and interesting details about this marvellous event soon in Sports section.

By the best player in the world.

The Exoesqueleton

Its name is Muscle Suit, this object is 6 kg heavy, it was made by Koboyashi (Japan). When you press the button you can lift 20 or 30 kg easily, and this will protect your back zone. The exoesqueleton can let you lift more weight but the weight stretches your arms and you might not endure such a heavy weight. 
This invention was made for people with injuries or physical problems. It looks like a backpack because it is set on your back.